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The multi-stage rescue route optimization under casualty heterogeneity and injury transfer
摘要点击 95  全文点击 0  投稿时间:2023-02-20  修订日期:2024-09-09
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中文关键词  救援路径优化;匮乏成本;伤员异质性;马尔可夫链
英文关键词  rescue route optimization; deprivation cost; heterogeneous injured victims; Markov chain
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(面上项目,重点项目,重大项目)
杨敏 合肥工业大学 230009
李凯莉 合肥工业大学 
王子旋 合肥工业大学 
梁樑 合肥工业大学 
      After a major natural disaster, the key to rescue operations is to treat the injured victims in time and reduce the suffering of the injured victims. Owing to limited rescue resources, this paper considers the heterogeneity and injured transfer of casualties in the split transport mode comprehensively to achieve casualties' efficient treatment. According to the deprivation cost function, the suffering degree of heterogeneous injured victims in the process of waiting for rescue is quantified, and the condition of injury transfer is described by Markov chain. The paper constructs a multi-stage rescue route planning model to minimize social cost. Ultimately, taking Ya'an earthquake as the case, the paper designs an improved ant colony optimization algorithm with crossover and mutation operators to solve the model, achieving the route planning scheme of rescue vehicles. The experimental results show that the proposed model and algorithm can obtain a less painful and more efficient emergency rescue plan for injured.

版权所有 © 2007 《系统工程学报》
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