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Study of the operation mode of agricultural industrialization based on internet finance
摘要点击 1334  全文点击 0  投稿时间:2018-06-10  修订日期:2019-01-08
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中文关键词  农业运作模式; 资金约束; 农产品供应链; 交付水平; 互联网金融
英文关键词  operation mode; capital constrained; agricultural supply chain; delivery level; internet finance
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(面上项目,重点项目,重大项目)
曾款 华中科技大学管理学院 430074
徐贤浩 华中科技大学管理学院 
余祖阁 华中科技大学管理学院 
      本文研究由农业电商企业和受资金约束的农户所构成的农业供应链. 在考虑农产品交付水平的前提下, 分别构建了“公司+农户”和“公司租赁”两种运作模式下的决策模型, 得到了农业电商企业和农户在这两种模式下的最优策略, 并通过对比分析找到了能够实现供应链最优运作模式的“双赢”区间. 最后, 利用京东“跑步鸡” 项目中的市场数据进行数值实验, 验证了相关的研究结论. 研究表明: 只有当农户的抵押物达到一定价值时, “公司+农户”模式才具有可行性; 对整个农业供应链来说, “公司租赁”要优于“公司+农户”; 当农户抵押物的价值较高或较低时, 农户将选择“公司租赁”模式; 存在关于土地租金的“双赢”区间, 使得农业电商企业和农户在该区间内都将选择“公司租赁”模式, 同时“双赢”区间将随农户抵押物价值的增加而减小.
      The paper investigates an agricultural supply chain consisted of an internet company and a capital-constrained farmer, and we analyze each member's choice on the agricultural operation modes, including 'company+farmer' or 'land contract', with an aim to maximize their profits. Through analyzing and comparing the optimal strategies under different modes, we find a 'win-win' zone where the whole supply chain achieves the optimal mode. The results show that the 'company+farmer' mode is feasible only when the farmer's collateral is valuable enough. For the whole supply chain, the 'land contract' performs better than the 'company+farmer'. When the collateral value is either high or low, the farmer always prefers the 'land contract'. There exists a 'win-win' zone for the land rent, in which both company and farmer prefer the 'land contract', moreover the zone shrinks with the farmer's collateral value. Finally, a numerical experiment is conducted with the data from JD to verify the results.

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