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Research on robust optimization of the MRCPSP based on an improved critical chain method
摘要点击 1615  全文点击 0  投稿时间:2018-04-19  修订日期:2018-10-16
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中文关键词  多模式资源受限项目调度问题; 关键链方法; 缓冲设置; 鲁棒性
英文关键词  MRCPSP; CCM; buffer settings; robustness
基金项目  国家社科基金“我国大型复杂工程项目群风险管理研究”(15BGL082);国家社科基金“网络 环境下综合集成研讨厅体系中集体智慧涌现机制研究”(15XGL001)
田旻 西安交通大学 710049
张光军 中国工程物理研究院 
刘人境 西安交通大学 
      针对鲁棒性项目调度理论研究集中在单模式领域这一现状, 通过对关键链方法的改进, 构建了多模式资源受限项目调度鲁棒性优化模型. 其中, 对关键链方法的两个核心问题进行了改进: 提出了非关键链识别的准则, 采用不同的影响系数对缓冲区间的设置进行了修正. 同时, 在综合考虑了关键链方法特点, 任务的多种模式以及资源消耗稳定性需求基础上设计了鲁棒性指标, 并构建了基于鲁棒性目标的关键链多模式资源受限项目调度模型. 通过多组算例验证显示调度计划的鲁棒性显著提高, 证明了模型的有效性.
      Because the current theoretical research of robust project schedule focuses on the single-mode filed, an improved critical chain method is used to constructed the robust optimization model of the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem. This paper improves two core problems of the critical chain method. It proposes a criteria for non-critical chain recognition, and corrects the buffer settings by using different influence coefficients. Meanwhile, this paper designs a robust measure based on the comprehensive consideration of the characteristics of the critical chain method, the task's multi-modes and resource consumption stability. A critical chain multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling model based on the robust objective is constructed then. The robustness of the scheduling plan is improved significantly in multiple test cases, which proves the validity of the model.

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