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Vertical demand information sharing under suppliers with cost reduction efforts
摘要点击 1332  全文点击 0  投稿时间:2018-01-26  修订日期:2018-09-01
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中文关键词  供应不确定;成本减少努力;需求信息共享;竞争
英文关键词  supply uncertainty; cost reduction effort; demand information sharing; competition
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(面上项目,重点项目,重大项目)
吴军建 南昌大学经济管理学院 330031
王海燕 东南大学经济管理学院 210096
      For a supply chain composed of multiple competitive suppliers and two competitive retailers, where suppliers have supply uncertainties and retailers have their own demand information. The suppliers set the cost reduction effort level and the wholesale price to respond to the retailers' demand information. A multi-stage game model is set to investigate retailers' vertical demand information sharing strategies. The results show that when the cost coefficient of effort is small enough, complete information sharing is an equilibrium strategy, that is, the two retailers are willing to share information with supplies for free. When cost coefficient of effort is large enough, the two retailers are willing to share information with suppliers after charging a fee. Moreover, under some condition, smaller forecast error, larger cost coefficient of effort, lower supply uncertainty and smaller number of suppliers increase suppliers' optimal payment.

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