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Moving bottleneck model and simulation based on urban clean truck
摘要点击 1659  全文点击 0  投稿时间:2015-04-09  修订日期:2015-10-12
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中文关键词  移动瓶颈; 城市道路; 清洁车; 作业行为; 通行效率
英文关键词  moving bottleneck; urban road; clean truck; working behavior; traffic efficiency
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(面上项目,重点项目,重大项目);创新研究群体科学基金
姬浩 西安交通大学管理学院 陕西省西安市公园南路2号3号楼4单元201室
      针对我国城市交通中清洁车作业行为特征, 运用交通元胞自动机方法和理论, 建立模型, 进行数值模拟, 收集数据, 绘制道路各车道流量图, 时空图, 车辆平均速度, 车辆平均延误, 车流平均密度和道路通行效率曲线, 分析清扫车和洒水车两类清洁车作业行为对道路交通流的影响及演化规律. 研究结果表明: 两类清洁车作业行为都会诱发明显的移动瓶颈, 对城市道路交通流产生显著干扰, 在上游形成较宽的车辆拥挤带, 并向上游迅速传递, 且洒水车作业行为对道路交通流干扰更为明显, 得出当进车率较小时, 两类清洁车作业行为即会导致道路通行效率下降, 当进车率进一步增大时, 道路通行效率降幅最高超过50%。
      Based on characters of urban clean truck working behavior, this study builds a cellular automaton model to simulate and analyze characteristics of traffic flow. By simulation data, the paper draws flow diagrams, space-time diagrams, average velocity diagrams, delay diagrams, density diagrams and traffic efficiency diagrams to analyze effect by two clean truck working behavior and evolution of traffic flow. The results show that the two clean truck working behavior can cause notable traffic moving bottleneck and notable congestion zone on upper road. At the same time, congestion spread to upper road rapidly. And sprinkling truck working behavior has more effect on traffic flow than sweeping truck working behavior. When probability of clean truck entering road is small, clean truck working behavior causes road capacity decline. With increase of probability of clean truck entering road, road capacity falls more than 50%.

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