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Research on the effect of enterprise social media on knowledge transmission from the perspective of coupling network
摘要点击 378  全文点击 0  投稿时间:2019-01-12  修订日期:2019-11-25
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中文关键词  企业社交媒体; 耦合网络; 知识传播模型; 阈值
英文关键词  enterprise social media; coupled network; knowledge transmission model; threshold
基金项目  国家自然科学基金面上项目“移动社交网络微信的知识传播机理研究”,71271032; 国家自然科学基金青年项目“数据特征驱动下基于半监督学习的小微企业贷款信用风险预测研究”,71901140; 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目“大数据背景下基于数据挖掘的保险精准营销策略研究”,18YJC630220; 上海市哲学社会科学规划课题“基于线上线下耦合网络的创意企业创意源扩散机理及促进策略研究”,2018EGL016
朱宏淼 上海对外经贸大学 201620
闫辛 上海对外经贸大学 201620
靳祯 山西大学 
张生太 北京邮电大学 
      运用复杂网络传播动力学理论, 建立了企业社交媒体与员工线下互动双层耦合网络上的知识传播模型, 推导出区分知识在耦合网络中传播与否的阈值条件, 从耦合网络的视角探讨了企业社交媒体对企业中知识传播的影响. 研究表明, 如果员工个体在单位时间内通过企业社交媒体与线下两渠道交流某一知识的最大次数不变, 那么适当增大单位时间内企业社交媒体中的知识交流次数对耦合网络中这一知识的传播起到促进作用. 然而, 企业社交媒体中的知识交流次数过多, 整个耦合网络中知识的传播绩效将降低. 此外, 在节点数不变的情况下, 增大传播初始时刻知识拥有者数量可以促进耦合网络中知识的传播, 但每新增一个知识拥有者的促进作用递减.
      This paper establishes a knowledge transmission model on the coupled network formed by enterprise social media and offline interaction between employees by using the theory of transmission dynamics on complex networks. The threshold conditions for distinguishing whether knowledge propagates in coupled network are derived. This paper discusses the impact of enterprise social media on knowledge dissemination from the perspective of coupled network. The results indicate that if the maximum number of times communicating knowledge through two channels of enterprise social media and offline network in unit time by each employee remains unchanged, then increasing the number of exchanges in enterprise social media in unit time can promote the propagation of this knowledge in coupled network. However, the performance of transmission in coupled network will reduce when there are too many exchanges in enterprise social media. In addition, increasing the number of knowledge owners at the initial moment can promote propagation when the total number of nodes is unchanged, but the promotive effect of each additional knowledge owner decreases.

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